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pitFM OpenConnect with NRW.
Knowledge exchange and practical insights.

“pit Experience Exchange” New event series 2025: pitFM OpenConnect with NRW – digitalization of maintenance processes and interface integration

This year, we have planned an exciting series of webinars and workshops for you as a customer from April to October. You can look forward to exclusive insights into our latest solutions, including pitFM OpenConnect – a digital solution for optimizing facility management processes and interface integration.

In our pitFM OpenConnect webinar series, you will learn how BLB NRW uses pitFM to digitize and optimize its facility management processes. See how pitFM makes master data management, maintenance planning and interface connection efficient. Discover the added value for clients and FM service providers, from automated planning to API integration for external service providers.

Benefit from practical insights and take the opportunity to exchange ideas directly with our experts and users.

📅 The first webinar dates are already available online for booking – more will follow soon! Stay tuned!

pitFM OpenConnect with NRW

In this webinar, you will learn how BLB NRW uses pitFM to optimize maintenance processes and create added value for clients and FM service providers – from master data management to automated planning and API usage.

Dennis Günther (Bau- und LiegenschaftsbetriebNRW),
Henrik Straube (pit Group)

Wednesday, May 21, 2025

Target group:
Facility managers, IT professionals, FM service providers, maintenance and SAP administrators as well as project managers – especially from the international environment who are interested in digital facility management solutions and would like to benefit from SU NRW’s experience.

Focal points:

  • Master data management of technical systems and buildings
  • Automated planning and processing of maintenance measures
  • Integration of external service providers via API
  • Use of interfaces to SAP and other systems
  • Service documentation and quality assurance
  • Practical example: Going live with pitFM at BLB NRW

10:00 am – 11:00 am. At the end of the webinar, you will have the opportunity to put your questions to the experts.

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