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Sustainability in real estate management

Sustainability in real estate management

40% of global CO2 emissions are caused by buildings and over 70% of this is attributable to the management phase. The real estate industry is therefore facing major challenges: Climate change, regulatory framework conditions, scarcity of resources and the desire for greater sustainability on the part of investors, tenants and customers.

Our answer: pitENERGY

In order to meet these requirements, real estate must be managed sustainably. ESG criteria (environmental, social and governance) play a central role here. Our ISO 50001-certified energy management solution pitENERGY offers measurable sustainability for your company and supports you in energy, resource and climate management.

With pitENERGY, you can rely on a sustainable, efficient and future-oriented solution for your energy management. Let’s take a step towards sustainable real estate management together.

The role of digitalization and new technologies

The enormous ecological footprint of the building sector is forcing the real estate industry to take action. Formulating ESG goals is only the first step. Realizing this requires valid data – even beyond company boundaries. Data analytics and technologies such as artificial intelligence enable companies to make data-based and forward-looking decisions.


New service offerings to increase sustainability

Renewable energies, energy efficiency and changes in user behavior are the most important levers on the way to greater sustainability in facility management (FM). The greatest potential for new service offerings along the value chain lies in the areas of consulting and analysis, planning and operation. The topic of data is also becoming increasingly important in order to improve energy efficiency in buildings with the help of IoT, digital platforms and software applications.


Our solutions and vision

At the pit Group, we not only develop our own software solutions, but also integrate technologies and solutions from our cooperation partners. Thanks to our open system architecture, we can integrate everything seamlessly into our pitEcoSystem+. This is how we create a sustainable, networked and secure future for the planning, construction and operation of your real estate.

Our service portfolio for digital and sustainable real estate management:





With our digital solutions from the pitEcoSystem+, we bring technologies, data and processes together in a secure environment. For a sustainable, connected and resilient future when planning, building and operating your properties.

Our focus:

  • Connectivity: Open interfaces and standards, wireless freedom with mobile applications, as-a-service solutions, cloud applications.
  • Security: cyber resilience, program security, information security, network security.
  • Sustainability: energy and climate management, BIM and sustainability, life cycle assessment, GEG, QNG, user-friendliness, optimization of our development tools.

Supplementary solution:


For comprehensive energy efficiency verifications and life cycle assessments, we offer the pitCAD ULTIMATE SOLAR-COMPUTER bundle. This software solution enables:

  • Building master data: Integration of existing CAD/BIM as-built plans, digitization of planning documents, and preparation of point clouds into 3D models.
  • GEG verification: calculation, testing and verification of energy efficiency, preparation of energy performance certificates and reports, as well as profitability calculations.
  • Life cycle assessment: Calculation of characteristic values for QNG, balancing of the primary energy requirement, and verification for the “PLUS” and “PREMIUM” seal variants.

We are always available for further information and personal advice.

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